Determination and treatment provision of authors’ academic misconduct
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Determination and treatment provision of authors’ academic misconduct


To safeguard academic morality, standardize academic behavior, and promote the healthy development of the sci-tech periodicals, the determination and treatment provision of author’s academic misconduct on Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology are stipulated as following:


I. Determination of academic misconduct

By using the Sci-Tech Periodical Misconduct Literature Detection System of CNKI and taking China Science Literature Network Publish General Storeroom as full text database, all articles are going to be screened.


Articles are reviewed and compared by commissioning editor, manuscripts examination experts, and editor-in-chief before their first trial, external auditor, acceptance, and final publication.


II. Scope of academic misconduct

1. Contributing the same article to us and other periodicals.

2. Contributing the same article as that published on other periodicals or conference assembly documents, or released on internet electronically with the same authors.

3. Contributing an article whose main content is similar to a published paper of the author himself or others, only doing some pro forma modification, and the article has insufficient substantial research progress or unobvious innovation and achievement.

4. Making up or falsifying research achievement, survey data, and experimental data, etc.

5. Citing others’ discourse, data and results without listing relevant references, or listing false references.

6. Stealing others’ research achievement through improper means.


III. Disposal of academic misconduct.

1. For the suspected article, terminating the treatment process, and sending back the manuscript.

2. For the accepted paper, cancelling the acceptance of the paper that hasn’t been published, and requiring the author to compensate the losses caused by his or her academic misconduct.

3. For the published paper with academic misconduct, publishing revocation announcement on the journal and the website, cancelling in the annual indexes, and noticing collaborated database to cancel its web version. Keeping the right to require compensation if the academic misconduct causes any losses.

4. Those authors with academic misconduct would be on the integrity blacklist of our journal which wouldn’t accept those authors’ contribution in 5 years.


Contributions to us should be accordance with this provision which comes into force from the date of release.


Editorial Department of Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology

31, May, 2016         

Published date:2016-06-02Click:

Editor in chief:李铁军


International standard number:ISSN 1008-1542

Unified domestic issue:CN 13-1225/TS

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