Editor in chief:李铁军
International standard number:ISSN 1008-1542
Unified domestic issue:CN 13-1225/TS
Domestic postal code:
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2 Abstract
Briefly describe the purpose of the research, methodology and achievement, about 300 words, separate chapter in secondary literature, written in the third person, do not use “the authors, or this article” as subject, mainly in narrative way (do not use charts, references, formula or chemistry formula), give note to first appeared abbreviation if it’s not well-known. The detail is shown in our website.
3 Keywords
5-8 words, easy for readers to find through search engine, the first keyword should belongs to Third Subjects Names (available at The First Keyword Search on the journal website)
4 Graph and Table
Keep concise and proper size, including titles in Chinese and English. Using smooth curve and making main and subsidiary line clear, using three line tables as possible.
5 Quantity and Unit. Use Arabic numbers to express age, year, month and day. Use legal units of measurement and symbols of PRC. Foreign letters must distinguish italics, capitalization, black and white body; upper and lower level angle of target position. Easy-confused letters should be indicated by language. Quantity symbols, letters represents variability numbers should be in italics, while unit symbols in positive body.
6 Reference
Unpublished references should not be cited. There should be recent years’ literatures included. Chinese reference must have corresponding English one. Bibliographic references format could be referred on the journal website, as following:
a. Monograph [M], Dissertation [D], Report [R]
[No.] author(s). title [type]. place of publishing: publisher, date. Page range.
b. Journal [J]
[No.] author(s). title [J]. journal name, year, volume(issue): page range.
c. Contribution of Collection [A]
[No.] Contribution’s author(s). Contribution’s title [A]. Collection’s author(s). Collection’s title [C]. Place of publishing: publisher, year: page range.
d. Newspaper [N]
[No.] author. title [N]. newspaper’s name, date (edition).
e. Standard [S]
[No.] standard number, title [S].
f. Patent [P]
[No.] patent holder(s). title [P]. country: patent number, date.
g. Electronic or on-line materials [EB/OL]
[No.] author(s). title [type]. electronic materials source or link (literature/ identification type), publishing date or citation date/reference date (optional)
note: 1) Using surname in front of given name for foreigners, capital letter for the surname and capital initial of given name.
2) If the author is not more than 3 people, list them all, otherwise list the first three authors and add “et al”.
7. Agreement between author(s) and the Editorial Department of Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology
1) The author(s) guarantee no duplicate submission of the paper and self-responsibility, and the paper does not contain any confidential information, and has no plagiarism or illegal copy.
2) The submission result will be given within 20 working days whether it is accepted or not. The paper draft will not return to the author, please keep the backup draft.
3) The author(s) agree the paper could be included in China Academic Journal (CD) and other retrieval system both at home and abroad, otherwise please provide a written statement if the author(s) don’t agree.
4) The Editorial Department has the right to properly modify the paper draft.
5) After acceptance, the author(s) should sign the Copyright Transfer Confirmation with the Editorial Department of Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology.
6) After publishing, the Editorial Department will pay the author(s) (no more than 6000 words will be counted according to the relevant regulation) and mail two copies to the author.
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Editorial Department of
Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology
Editor in chief:李铁军
International standard number:ISSN 1008-1542
Unified domestic issue:CN 13-1225/TS
Domestic postal code: